Mahoraga is a character from the popular manga and anime series Jujutsu Kaisen. It is known as the Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga and is the most powerful shikigami of the Ten Shadows Technique.
Shikigami are spiritual creatures that can only be seen by sorcerers and must be tamed by the user to be used effectively in battle . The Zenin Family’s Ten Shadows Technique allows them to summon 10 different Shikigami using shadows, with the Divine General Mahoraga being the strongest.
Throughout its entire history, no user of the Ten Shadows Technique has been able to tame Mahoraga . It is conjured by the user using an incantation that recites “With this treasure, I summon…” before invoking the Divine General’s name . Rather than form a shadow puppet with their hands to manifest the shikigami, the user simply extends both arms forward at a slight upward angle with their fists closed.
Mahoraga is a towering, muscular humanoid figure with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head . Hovering just above this is a large eight-handled wheel that rotates as Mahoraga responds to new stimuli. Mahoraga also sports black hakama bottoms and a white sash around its waist to cover most of its lower body.
The Divine General possesses the ability to adapt to any and all phenomena. If it is injured by a particular attack, the eight-handled wheel will turn, allowing it to adapt. If its adversary uses that same technique again, Mahoraga will counter it. This works offensively as well, adapting attacking to efficiently break through its opponent’s defenses.
Additionally, Mahoraga has the strength to shatter concrete or hit someone through multiple buildings with a single blow. It also wields the Sword of Extermination, a blade attached to its forearm that is enveloped in positive energy, making it especially effective against cursed spirits.
Mahoraga has been called upon in the series on more than one occasion and recently, it was used by Sukuna in his fight against Satoru Gojo. Mahoraga is believed to be an incredibly powerful asset up one’s sleeve. In fact, it has also been called the trump card of the Zenin Clan. However, it is incredibly difficult to control and nobody in the history of the Zenin clan has managed to assert control over it.